Working with people is always difficult, and the reason for this is quite simple: a human being is...
Key Technology Trends in the Automotive Industry in 2025
The automotive world is experiencing the most substantial change since Henry Ford industrialized...
Top Takeaways from PMI’s 2018 Global Project Management Survey
This is the tenth year that PMI’s Pulse of the Profession has offered an overview of project...
Why Your Team Will Fall in Love with Epicflow Project Management Software
Epicflow simplifies more than just multi-project planning. It is also a digital magician that...
The Final Word in the Gantt Chart Polemic
Do you know what Abraham Lincoln used to say about planning? “Give me six hours to chop down a...
4 Lessons Learned from Project Failures in Construction
Project delays and failures lead to billions of dollars in losses as companies lose to their...
1500 Techies Find PM Relief at Outsource People 2017
The Epicflow team has happily returned home after enthusiastically interacting with tech gurus and...
9 Project Survival Tips Learned from Confronting Pennywise
A movie that starts happily with a kid running a paper boat on the streets ends up an ongoing...
Once in Red, Always in Red
Critical chain project management (CCPM) assumes a static bottleneck in an organization, called...
Proven Techniques to Overcome the Top Challenges of Multi-Project Management
The brains behind Epicflow, Albert Ponsteen and Jan Willem Tromp, are convinced that dynamic work...