The Fourth Industrial Revolution revolves around technology, smart sensors that collect real-time...
Top Takeaways from PMI’s 2018 Global Project Management Survey
This is the tenth year that PMI’s Pulse of the Profession has offered an overview of project...
Why Your Team Will Fall in Love with Epicflow Project Management Software
Epicflow simplifies more than just multi-project planning. It is also a digital magician that...
Proven Techniques to Overcome the Top Challenges of Multi-Project Management
The brains behind Epicflow, Albert Ponsteen and Jan Willem Tromp, are convinced that dynamic work...
Stakeholder Engagement for Your Project Success
The success of any project is dependent on a number of factors such as clear goals, realistic...
Typical Challenges in Manufacturing Projects and Ways to Address Them
The manufacturing industry faces numerous challenges that can affect the success of manufacturing...
Managing Risks in Manufacturing Projects: Essentials and Best Practices
Have you ever faced unexpected setbacks in a manufacturing project that affected its timeline and...
Jira: Benefits, Limitations, and Ways to Overcome Them
Everyone knows Jira as a task and project management tool that is popular with software...
Digital Transformation in Manufacturing in 2024: Benefits & Examples
How can manufacturers ensure production efficiency and competitiveness? One of the effective...
How to Manage Competing Priorities: 5 Effective Strategies and 5 Tips to Prevent Them
Whether at work or in everyday life, we don’t like to appear in situations where we don’t know...
Epicflow Implementation Guide: Essential Steps and Best Practices
This guide aims to overcome the uncertainty of the Epicflow implementation process and to help our...
Managing Risks and Controlling Projects: Crucial Role of Data in Single- and Multi-Project Environments
This article is inspired by the webinar featuring Epicflow co-founder Jan Willem Tromp and...