According to Gartner, by 2030, 80% of project managers’ tasks will be run by AI, powered by big...
Hiring Extra Employees vs. Adopting a Resource Management Solution: Сhoosing the Right Investment
When a company needs to deliver more orders, it may seem natural to hire more resources to fulfill...
A Quick Guide to Essential Project Management Metrics
When managing a project, it’s vitally important to regularly monitor its state: whether or not it...
Top 5 Must-Have Capabilities of a Multi-Project Resource Management Solution
Selecting a resource management solution suitable for work in a multi-project setting is a...
Eating an Elephant One Bite At a Time: What Are Deliverables in Project Management?
We all know how difficult it can be to approach a large new endeavor. For example, standing in the...
8 Essential Project Management Documents You Need to Know About
Project management involves creating lots of documentation. If you look into project management...
A Beginner’s Guide to Resource Management
Successful project delivery is usually a result of efficient management of both workflow and...
Why No Miracle Happens: Typical Mistakes in Work with a Resource Management Solution and How to Avoid Them
It sometimes happens that an organization invests in implementing a resource management solution....
Tracking Performance: Switching from Project to Resource Level
When your project is in progress, you as a project manager or business leader will definitely want...
Project Management Maturity Models: A Basis for Reaching Your Organization’s Business Success
Do you know your organization's project management maturity level? If not, it’s high time to...
A Business Case in Project Management: Why Start a Project?
Whatever great idea is behind a project, it won’t be implemented without stakeholders’ buy-in and...
A Guide to Project Integration Management
Every project management activity doesn’t exist in isolation – they are all related to and...