You're a business owner or CEO. Maybe you've just recently started, or maybe your company has a...
What Skills Will Make You a Top Manager in 2022?
The distribution of work between humans and machines will experience a significant shift between...
PM Minimalism: Why You Need to Declutter Your Tech Environment
Many applications promise to boost productivity. However, adopting multiple tools doesn’t always...
5 Ways Epicflow Enables High-Performing Teams
Boosting team productivity should be among the top priorities for industrial manufacturers if they...
How Epicflow Helps Drive Project Success
Time goes by; new technologies promise more and more; yet somehow projects still fail at an...
How CEOs Can Create the Right Support Structures
To bring a well-developed company strategy to life, McKinsey researchers recommend mobilizing...
How to Overcome 3 Major Challenges in Managing Multiple Projects
During our doctoral research on multi-project management, my colleague Albert Ponsteen and I...
7 Online Courses to Help You Embrace Digital Transformation
Digitalization is shaking every industry, disrupting traditional business management approaches....
The Final Word in the Gantt Chart Polemic
Do you know what Abraham Lincoln used to say about planning? “Give me six hours to chop down a...
11 Methods to Forecast, Analyze, and Solve Problems
One small problem lying in the background can easily question your business competence....