We’re happy to announce that Epicflow has been recognized as a high performer in the 2018 Spring...
9 LinkedIn Groups for Project Managers to Join
Have you noticed that LinkedIn is great not only for expanding your professional network but also...
Why Your Team Will Fall in Love with Epicflow Project Management Software
Epicflow simplifies more than just multi-project planning. It is also a digital magician that...
4 Lessons Learned from the Weirdest Cases of Project Failure
In our previous article in this series, we introduced you to lessons learned from top project...
4 Lessons Learned from Project Failures in Construction
Project delays and failures lead to billions of dollars in losses as companies lose to their...
How PM Software Helps CEOs Manage Business Benefits
The UK’s leading statistics report considered benefits realization management as this year’s most...
9 Project Survival Tips Learned from Confronting Pennywise
A movie that starts happily with a kid running a paper boat on the streets ends up an ongoing...
5 Project Management Tips from Gartner and Forrester Research
Statistics and research have a special value for project managers because information broadens...
Epicflow Wins its First Project Management Software Awards from FinancesOnline
Epicflow development team worked tirelessly to streamline project management and make task...
Epicflow PM Software Review Hot Off the Press
Looking for an objective review of project management tools for executing your projects? Get a cup...
7 TED Talks to Inspire Project Management Experts
We regularly work with project managers from all walks of life, and each of them is likely to...
Construction Management isn’t Rocket Science with the Right Project Management Software
Albert Ponsteen, co-founder of Epicflow, has just returned home from a successful business trip to...