Following our tradition, we’re excited to sum up and share everything that happened to the...
Key Technology Trends in the Construction Industry in 2025
The construction industry is undergoing a substantial transformation shaped by innovations,...
Fighting Uncertainty in Organizations, Including Matrix Ones
The article is based on the webinar “Fighting Uncertainty in Organizations, Including Matrix Ones,...
Schedule Conflicts: Their Causes and Ways to Prevent Them
Schedule conflicts belong to the typical challenges of managing multiple projects with a shared...
What Is a Resource Management Solution and Why Do You Need One? (Questions and Answers)
Poor resource management and a lack of appropriate software are on the list of the biggest project...
Saving Costs in a Long-Term Perspective: How a Resource Management Solution Will Help You Gain More in the Long Run
In times of economic crisis, enterprises try to find ways to reduce their expenses and improve...
Hiring Extra Employees vs. Adopting a Resource Management Solution: Сhoosing the Right Investment
When a company needs to deliver more orders, it may seem natural to hire more resources to fulfill...
Resource Availability: All You Need to Know In Outline
Resource availability is a critical component of effective resource allocation: you need this data...
Resource Utilization Made Simple: Essence, Importance, and Ways to Optimize It
How to make sure that a company utilizes its available resources wisely so that they are...
Creating a Work Breakdown Structure: What You Need to Know
Initial project phases play an important role for the success of further project management work....
A Beginner’s Guide to Resource Management
Successful project delivery is usually a result of efficient management of both workflow and...
Why No Miracle Happens: Typical Mistakes in Work with a Resource Management Solution and How to Avoid Them
It sometimes happens that an organization invests in implementing a resource management solution....