Do you know your organization's project management maturity level? If not, it’s high time to...
A Business Case in Project Management: Why Start a Project?
Whatever great idea is behind a project, it won’t be implemented without stakeholders’ buy-in and...
Product Portfolio Management: What It Is and Why It Matters for Business Leaders
For growing companies, it’s crucially important to keep track of all their products and make sure...
Intaking More Projects in Aerospace and Defense: How Resource Management Solution Can Help
Today, in times of war and crisis, companies dealing with aerospace and defense projects have to...
Aircraft Engineering: How to Manage Aviation Projects?
Aircraft engineering is a complex and constantly developing sector of aerospace and defense, where...
Classic Project VS Multi-Project Management Software: Which Tool You Need to Run Projects Effectively
Multi-project management tools are a relatively new kind of software in the modern market. But...
How to Overcome Parkinson’s Law and Deliver Projects in Half the Time
Everyone engaged in project management is aware that this field is prone to different kinds of...
5 Ways to Make Your Business Move Faster with Environment Optimization
You're a business owner or CEO. Maybe you've just recently started, or maybe your company has a...
Epicflow Introduces New Feature to Improve High-Level Overview of Multiple Projects
Epicflow’s mission has always been to make complex multi-project environments easy to lead and...
How to Overcome 3 Major Challenges in Managing Multiple Projects
During our doctoral research on multi-project management, my colleague Albert Ponsteen and I...
How PM Software Helps CEOs Manage Business Benefits
The UK’s leading statistics report considered benefits realization management as this year’s most...
7 Tools To Make Life Better for Business Leaders
We know that you’re busy, so we’ve collected some of the best tools to help you lead your...