The Fourth Industrial Revolution revolves around technology, smart sensors that collect real-time...
5 Ways Epicflow Enables High-Performing Teams
Boosting team productivity should be among the top priorities for industrial manufacturers if they...
Epicflow at PM Congress 2019 in the Netherlands
Our researchers have spent years making project management simple and efficient. At the Project...
How to Ensure Project Success: Risk Management Matters
Wellington researchers have recently mentioned that risk management is among the most important...
How Healthcare Organizations Can Meet Increasing Demand
The global population is growing and aging so rapidly that this has become one of the major...
How to Overcome 3 Major Challenges in Managing Multiple Projects
During our doctoral research on multi-project management, my colleague Albert Ponsteen and I...
Post-Webinar Q&A Session with Jan Willem Tromp
On May 8, Jan Willem Tromp, co-founder of Epicflow, was honored to carry out a webinar powered by...
Why Your Team Will Fall in Love with Epicflow Project Management Software
Epicflow simplifies more than just multi-project planning. It is also a digital magician that...
Effective Negotiation Tricks for Project Managers
Project management is an arena where negotiations are largely about making deals, resolving...
The Final Word in the Gantt Chart Polemic
Do you know what Abraham Lincoln used to say about planning? “Give me six hours to chop down a...
Once in Red, Always in Red
Critical chain project management (CCPM) assumes a static bottleneck in an organization, called...
Top 2017 PM Trends You Shouldn’t Miss, in Numbers
A recent report by the Project Management Institute (PMI) (1) states that “organizations are...