One small problem lying in the background can easily question your business competence....
9 Project Survival Tips Learned from Confronting Pennywise
A movie that starts happily with a kid running a paper boat on the streets ends up an ongoing...
The Secret Behind Constructive Feedback Revealed
Sometimes we’re hindering the growth of our enterprises by overlooking factors that lie on the...
How to Run Multiple Jira Instances Intelligently
Jira is the #1 software development tool used by agile teams, but after several workshops with new...
Once in Red, Always in Red
Critical chain project management (CCPM) assumes a static bottleneck in an organization, called...
How to Prioritize Like World-Class Leaders
A seamless workflow, efficient output, and a crystal clear mission can’t exist without a list of...
Project Performance: What Questions Await You at the PM Door?
Have you ever wondered why projects often lead you up a blind alley? According to a 2016...
5 Project Management Tips from Gartner and Forrester Research
Statistics and research have a special value for project managers because information broadens...
7 TED Talks to Inspire Project Management Experts
We regularly work with project managers from all walks of life, and each of them is likely to...
Construction Management isn’t Rocket Science with the Right Project Management Software
Albert Ponsteen, co-founder of Epicflow, has just returned home from a successful business trip to...
Proven Techniques to Overcome the Top Challenges of Multi-Project Management
The brains behind Epicflow, Albert Ponsteen and Jan Willem Tromp, are convinced that dynamic work...