Epicflow simplifies more than just multi-project planning. It is also a digital magician that brings peace to the workplace by preventing stress, improving job satisfaction, and increasing job autonomy.

Painful Statistics: Work Overdose

We designed Epicflow with the key objective of promoting employee health and welfare. Many companies still turn a blind eye to excessive pressures and demands in the workplace, but we care about the mental and physical well-being of employees. An excessive workload is the main cause of employee stress, according to the European Labour Force Survey. The rate of stressed employees is highest, at 46%, in the United States. As noted by the World Health Organization, common causes of workplace stress include poor work arrangements and lack of control over processes. In a recent interview, Dutch scientists Jan Willem Tromp and Albert Ponsteen, each with more than 25 years of experience in project management, suggest:

“An overloaded employee is the most dangerous threat PMs can experience, as one person can delay all projects due to cascading dependencies between tasks and resources.”

Epicflow Sets Priorities and Eliminates Task Uncertainty

On account of the above-mentioned statistics, this web-based PPM program aims to promote employee well-being by combating risks to mental and physical health. By setting the right priorities in a multi-project environment, it prevents employees from having to juggle too many tasks at once. And employees no longer need to write boring to-do lists or time journals, as their tasks are automatically prioritized.

Albert Ponsteen and Jan Willem Tromp, the researchers behind Epicflow, state:


“To make the app suitable for both C-level executives and employees, we integrated a function that automatically plans a sequence of tasks, so there is no need for workers to use their intuition to set priorities.”

In practice, this online PM planning tool allows employees to slightly deviate from a given sequence based on their local knowledge. Thus, its features not only end scheduling hassles and create order, but also provide your team members with the freedom to make informed decisions. We believe that people should not be treated like operating machines, but should have a certain control over their processes.

Epicflow ensures that task priorities and human resources are allocated properly to prevent overload. This web-based system:

  • alleviates pressure;
  • reduces the number of tight deadlines; 
  • increases focus.

This multi-project planning software also provides your team with the ability to participate in multiple projects simultaneously, and contributes to more rapid development of new skills. Multitasking is no longer a confusing, stressful activity. Your team will thank you for additional training time as well, automatically accounted for by our multi-project management solution.

Read On: How to deal with stress in the workplace

Besides all of the above-mentioned benefits, Epicflow facilitates communication between project managers and employees; and a clearly defined set of priorities ensures a quiet working environment despite project complexity.

Epicflow Mobile Application Increases Project Awareness

With the upcoming mobile application, employees will be able to:

  1. See priority lists regardless of their current location;
  2. Check whether they are overloaded; and
  3. Adjust their remaining hours.

Employees will get unlimited access to up-to-date information, promoting flow. After an employee changes a task status to ‘done,’ others can immediately proceed without any project delay.

The health and welfare of your employees is in your hands.  Make your multi-project environment a major source of job satisfaction! Sign up for a live Epicflow demonstration in the form below.