Epicflow Blog Category Page - Resource Management
The Final Word in the Gantt Chart Polemic
Do you know what Abraham Lincoln used to say about planning? “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Planning is and will...
1500 Techies Find PM Relief at Outsource People 2017
The Epicflow team has happily returned home after enthusiastically interacting with tech gurus and specialists at the Outsource People 2017 conference in Kyiv, Ukraine. This event was huge, with 350 companies and 1500 participants. ...
Epicflow Project Management Software Endorsed at Web Summit 2016
We had the opportunity to feel the earth-shattering digital presence at Web Summit 2016 in Lisbon, an event that boasted 53,000 attendees! 3442...
Epicflow selected for 2016 Web Summit ALPHA Programme
We are happy to announce that Epicflow has been selected for the Alpha Program of Web Summit 2016. Epicflow is a web-based tool for multi-project management, that allows to turn resources and tasks into...