Epicflow Blog Category Page - Resource Management

Resource Management Best Practices: 7 Tips to Consider
Efficient resource management in a multi-project environment can be really demanding. You have to distribute resources effectively and at the same time weave in and out of numerous challenges – e.g., resource conflicts, managing...

Get to Know Us Better: Frequently Asked Questions about Epicflow
We’ve gathered the questions that our users most frequently ask about Epicflow. Read further to find out how the system works, learn more about Epicflow’s features, find answers to the questions coming from the...
Deliver Faster with Less Effort: How Smart Project Management Prevents Employees from Overload
Imagine that you ask your team members to slow down instead of work faster. Sounds strange, doesn’t it? In the dynamic multi-project environment, it seems that the more productive you are and the faster...
How to Handle the Issue of Slow Recruitment with Resource Management Techniques
Project managers know that putting the right team together is one of the prerequisites for successful project delivery. What can be more effective than assigning the tasks to the right people with the right...
Classic Project VS Multi-Project Management Software: Which Tool You Need to Run Projects Effectively
Multi-project management tools are a relatively new kind of software in the modern market. But they’re absolutely necessary. As businesses are getting bigger and start working with more and more companies, the number of...
How to Choose the Right Project Management Tool: Selection Guide
The right project management software can significantly impact the success of your project management efforts. However, it’s really easy to get lost in the variety of tools available in the market these days. For...
Making Your Project Management Tool Super-Productive with Human Resource Management System Integration
There’s hardly any area of business where people aren’t involved. If you run a company, human resource management is one of the paramount directions of your activities. People have their own affairs, fall ill,...
Student Syndrome in Project Management: Real Constraint or Just Human Factor?
This article was updated on November 2, 2021. Probably everyone has ever been a student. Countless lectures, seminars, home tasks, projects, etc. Sounds familiar? Then you also remember that often all learning activities were...
Key Factors of Your Employees’ Motivation for Remote Working
Every employer wants their teams to work as productively as possible to bring the best results to their company. But sometimes even good employees work not at their full and it can be easily...