Epicflow Blog Category Page - Project Management

How to Distinguish Between Stress and Burnout and Cope with Them: Tips for Project Managers

Industry, Product, and Technical Knowledge: What Makes a Project Manager an Expert?

Regardless of your skills, background, and experience, you probably have asked yourself a question at least once: what kind of knowledge do I need to be a competitive expert in project management? What what’s...

How to Start a Career in Project Management: Answers to FAQ

A profession of a project manager has always been in demand and seems to be gaining momentum more and more. According to PMI’s Job Growth and Talent Gap in Project Management 2017-2027, organizations’ need...

Classic Project VS Multi-Project Management Software: Which Tool You Need to Run Projects Effectively

Multi-project management tools are a relatively new kind of software in the modern market. But they’re absolutely necessary. As businesses are getting bigger and start working with more and more companies, the number of...

Key Personal Qualities of an Excellent Project Manager

To be an expert in any field, you should possess professional knowledge, hard skills, specific background, and professional experience. Read more: What Do Companies like Apple, Amazon, and Google Look for in Project Managers?...

How to Choose the Right Project Management Tool: Selection Guide

The right project management software can significantly impact the success of your project management efforts. However, it’s really easy to get lost in the variety of tools available in the market these days. For...

Fighting Uncertainty in Project Management: Arm Yourself with the Right Tool

In project management, even if you’re a talented and experienced project manager, you definitely know you can’t control everything. Uncertainties can concern both internal factors, such as cost, time, and scope issues, and external...

How to Overcome Parkinson’s Law and Deliver Projects in Half the Time

Everyone engaged in project management is aware that this field is prone to different kinds of uncertainties. They all are diverse and unpredictable, though there are some that appear in every project due to...

Making Your Project Management Tool Super-Productive with Human Resource Management System Integration

There’s hardly any area of business where people aren’t involved. If you run a company, human resource management is one of the paramount directions of your activities. People have their own affairs, fall ill,...

Student Syndrome in Project Management: Real Constraint or Just Human Factor?

This article was updated on November 2, 2021. Probably everyone has ever been a student. Countless lectures, seminars, home tasks, projects, etc. Sounds familiar? Then you also remember that often all learning activities were...

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