Epicflow Blog Category Page - Project Management

Creating a Schedule Baseline: A Step to Timely Project Delivery

Empower your Jira Environment with Advanced Project and Resource Management Capabilities

Have you been using Jira throughout your company, but now realize that your business needs have changed, and its functions are not enough?  Let’s say, your company has expanded, and now you have to...

Choosing a Project Management Tool: Epicflow vs. Project Online by Microsoft

The diversity of tools that help to manage projects in various industries and businesses has significantly expanded in recent years: from tools that are used to manage tasks of a small team to overall...

8 Tips on Reducing Project Costs

Reduction of project costs and at least avoiding significant cost overruns is one of the high-priority tasks for a project manager, as it helps to avoid unnecessary expenses and significantly impacts project profitability. However,...

Project Baseline in Project Management: A Starting Point to Monitor Performance

When managing a project, it’s hardly possible to stick to the original plan without making any changes to it throughout the entire project lifecycle. In most cases, changes are inevitable and even necessary, as...

All About Scope Creep: Causes, Consequences, and Tips on Preventing It

Scope creep is a common challenge that project managers have to deal with. In an effort to make the project’s final outcome perfect and satisfy customers, project managers/team members/stakeholders may be unable to leave...

Dealing With Project Dependencies In a Multi-Project Environment

Projects don’t exist in isolation: even a single project involves dependencies between its tasks and depends on a number of other internal and external factors. As for a multi-project environment, it’s a complicated system...

Project Risk Management: Importance, Challenging Issues, Recommendations

Risk is often perceived as a potential hazard or something that should be better avoided. However, we all know that the road to success is fraught with risk, as it’s often associated with new...

Infographic: Challenges in Various Types of Projects

Project management involves work with various types of projects. Despite that every project is unique with its combination of activities, people, constraints, external factors, etc., it can also have similar features with other projects....

Project Management In Education: Specific Challenges and Ways of Addressing Them

Live and learn---this proverb has never been so relevant as in the 21st century. Your education isn’t over when you graduate from a university: being a highly skilled specialist and a healthy personality requires...

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