Epicflow Blog Category Page - Project Management

Setting Priorities in a Multi-Project Environment: What You Need to Know

In our hectic world, where you have many irons in the fire, prioritization is the only key to getting things done successfully. The same is true for project management. When you have a dozen...

How to Create a Project Timeline in 6 Steps: A Quick Guide

The success of any project largely depends on the efficiency of its initial planning and tracking its progress. In project management, there’s a variety of tools that make it possible to plan project work...

Eating an Elephant One Bite At a Time: What Are Deliverables in Project Management?

We all know how difficult it can be to approach a large new endeavor. For example, standing in the middle of a messy house may seem overwhelming, but if you tidy the rooms one...

8 Essential Project Management Documents You Need to Know About

Project management involves creating lots of documentation. If you look into project management standards, you will find at least a dozen of various plans, multiple types of reports, and numerous other documents. The good...

Creating a Work Breakdown Structure: What You Need to Know

Initial project phases play an important role for the success of further project management work. One of the essential activities as part of these phases is developing a work breakdown structure that becomes the...

Becoming a Successful Project Manager: 5 Tips to Achieve Professional Goals and Objectives

Being a successful project manager is not just about creating good plans and schedules and telling the team members what they should work on. It also requires proper coordination of people and processes, the...

Why No Miracle Happens: Typical Mistakes in Work with a Resource Management Solution and How to Avoid Them

It sometimes happens that an organization invests in implementing a resource management solution. But the results of this endeavor are far from satisfactory – the projects are still late and exceed the budget, team...

Tracking Performance: Switching from Project to Resource Level

When your project is in progress, you as a project manager or business leader will definitely want to know how things are going and have an opportunity to check it at any moment. But...

Cost Overrun in Aerospace and Defense: The Main Causes and How to Prevent Them

No project is immune to factors that may result in cost overrun – from a mistake made by a team member that will extend a project’s timeline to force-majeure events like pandemic or war. ...

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