Epicflow Blog Page
Schedule Conflicts: Their Causes and Ways to Prevent Them
Schedule conflicts belong to the typical challenges of managing multiple projects with a shared resource pool. For example, the activities team members participate in can overlap or it can turn out that you’ve assigned...
Top 4 Challenges for a Project Management Office (PMO) and Ways to Address Them
According to a recent report by Wellingltone, 82% of business organizations have a project management office. And that’s no wonder – an effectively working PMO can streamline a company’s project management processes, improve their...
How to Tame Uncertainty of Research and Development: Best Practices for Managing R&D Projects
If we had to choose one word that best describes R&D projects, it would be “uncertainty”—they have so many changing elements, and their outcomes are often hard to predict. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that...
Resource Optimization In a Multi-Project Environment: Main Challenges and Ways to Tackle Them With Resource Management Software
Optimum utilization of resources’ potential is not only the key to the successful completion of projects but also an essential prerequisite for an organization’s business growth. But it can be rather challenging to ensure timely...
What Is a Resource Management Solution and Why Do You Need One? (Questions and Answers)
Poor resource management and a lack of appropriate software are on the list of the biggest project management challenges, as stated by the Wellingtone report on the state of project management. So, it’s high time to...
Increasing Profitability In Times of a Crisis: How the Right Approach to Project and Resource Management Can Help Improve Business Outcomes
How can organizations ensure sustainable business growth and increase profitability during an economic downturn? Is it at all possible when a great number of companies are cutting their expenses, postponing new projects, and reducing...
Saving Costs in a Long-Term Perspective: How a Resource Management Solution Will Help You Gain More in the Long Run
In times of economic crisis, enterprises try to find ways to reduce their expenses and improve profitability to survive during tough times. However, some of the cost-saving measures they take can appear to be...
AI in Project Management: Is the Future Already Here?
According to Gartner, by 2030, 80% of project managers’ tasks will be run by AI, powered by big data, machine learning (ML), and natural language processing. This statement was perceived as a threat to...
Hiring Extra Employees vs. Adopting a Resource Management Solution: Сhoosing the Right Investment
When a company needs to deliver more orders, it may seem natural to hire more resources to fulfill the increasing demand. At the same time, such a decision has its disadvantages – onboarding a...