Epicflow Blog Page
Epicflow Introduces New Feature to Improve High-Level Overview of Multiple Projects
Epicflow’s mission has always been to make complex multi-project environments easy to lead and manage. For their next step, the Epicflow team has enhanced their product suite with the Dazzle Dashboard release. 5519...
How to Overcome 3 Major Challenges in Managing Multiple Projects
During our doctoral research on multi-project management, my colleague Albert Ponsteen and I accumulated data from over 4,000 business owners, CEOs, and project managers. We focused on multi-project environments, where several projects run simultaneously...
Top Engagement Drivers for Better Project Success
The latest global research by Gallup shows that only 15% of employees are engaged at work. Epicflow has investigated how to lead teams in this era of employee engagement crisis, and we brought in...
How to Blend Agile Principles into Your Methodology
Responding to KPMG’s survey, 85% of Dutch companies stated that in the coming years most organizations will operate in a hybrid environment. 4419...
Project Management Trends in Manufacturing for 2018
The Project Management Institute reports that organizations involved in manufacturing lose an average of 11.8% of the money invested in projects due to poor project performance, which is more than the global average of...
Top Takeaways from PMI’s 2018 Global Project Management Survey
This is the tenth year that PMI’s Pulse of the Profession has offered an overview of project management trends and classified what distinguishes project champions from underperformers. This year’s report indicates the top drivers...
Leading Management Principles of the World’s Top Shipbuilders
The State of Project Management 2018 survey by Wellingtone reveals a harsh truth — dissatisfaction with the current level of project management maturity in organizations all over the world is higher than a year...
Post-Webinar Q&A Session with Jan Willem Tromp
On May 8, Jan Willem Tromp, co-founder of Epicflow, was honored to carry out a webinar powered by PMI during which he revealed his approach and gave tips to over 1,700 project management experts....
Shipbuilding Trends in 2018 and How Project Managers Can Adapt
Shipbuilding is regarded as one of the slowest, most complex, and most unwieldy industries. At the moment, there are approximately 2,500 shipyards and maritime companies around the world involved in construction, modification, maintenance, and repair of...