Jan Willem Tromp, one of the co-owners of Epicflow, is thrilled to give a keynote about the complexity of managing multi-project environments and multi-teaming at the Project Management in Practice conference on 22 March 2018 in Ljubljana, Slovenia at the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel. This event will gather project managers and business thinkers who share the same goal: to flex their project management muscles.

The difference between managing a project portfolio and managing a single project is the difference between night and day. That’s why this eighth conference promises valuable and practical insights into the most challenging parts of project management such as multi-teaming, resource conflicts, and project delays. Speakers will pay close attention to problems that occur in multi-project environments.

You’ll be able to participate in several workshops to sharpen your knowledge and skills. Jan Willem Tromp will guide you through project management methodologies and show a powerful addition to them so you can meet the project reality with a new arsenal of tools. Milos Tipsarevic, an Independent Management Consultant and Project Manager for Ford, will tell you about effective supplier integration in a multi-project organization. Also, don’t miss the talk by Jasna Rihter, Head of Development at AKOS, who will present a cloud-based solution that enables businesses to connect to virtual joint ventures.

We sincerely recommend that you visit this conference if you’re executing many projects and want to fine-tune your teams for proactive, intelligent work.


Jan Willem Tromp on Agile software development


Jan Willem Tromp is a Dutch researcher, consultant, and blogger in the domain of multi-project management. Tromp is a partner at Goldratt Implementation Group Europe C.V., a co-owner of Epicflow project management software, and a PhD candidate at the Open University in the Netherlands, Heerlen, where he is investigating what happens to employees when new project management tools are implemented by management.