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Epicflow Featured in The Top 10 Resource Management Software

Why Your Team Will Fall in Love with Epicflow Project Management Software

Epicflow simplifies more than just multi-project planning. It is also a digital magician that brings peace to the workplace by preventing stress, improving job satisfaction, and increasing job autonomy. 3571...

Meet Epicflow at the PM Conference in Slovenia

Jan Willem Tromp, one of the co-owners of Epicflow, is thrilled to give a keynote about the complexity of managing multi-project environments and multi-teaming at the Project Management in Practice conference on 22 March...

Epicflow Featured in PM Today

Bad management can cause serious damage to your projectโ€™s lungs. Check out the new article in Project Manager Today, the UKโ€™s leading edition for project managers, where our scientist Albert Ponsteen tells how to...

Epicflow Wins its First Project Management Software Awards from FinancesOnline

Epicflow development team worked tirelessly to streamline project management and make task prioritization more effective, and such efforts were not undermined 3775...

Epicflow PM Software Review Hot Off the Press

Looking for an objective review of project management tools for executing your projects? Get a cup of tea and read a new refreshing Epicflow software review. 3769...

Epicflow Project Management Software Endorsed at Web Summit 2016

We had the opportunity to feel the earth-shattering digital presence at Web Summit 2016 in Lisbon, an event that boasted 53,000 attendees! 3442...

Epicflow selected for 2016 Web Summit ALPHA Programme

We are happy to announce that Epicflow has been selected for the Alpha Program of Web Summit 2016. Epicflow is a web-based tool for multi-project management, that allows to turn resources and tasks into...