Epicflow Blog Category Page - Epicflow Updates

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2019 Epicflow Multi-Project Management Features

For about 10 year history of existence, Epicflow multi-project management software regularly gets updates and enhancements to make its users’ life easier and business more effective. We’ve prepared a list and description of new features...

Epicflow Among the Best 10 Resource Management Tools

SoftwareWorld, a highly reputed software review platform, has recently published a list of top resource management software solutions. Epicflow has taken one of the leading positions. To rank B2B software tools, SoftwareWorld analyzes user satisfaction...

Reach Your Business Goals Faster with Epicflow

Epicflow clients create the most advanced products you can imagine. They connect continents with advanced telecom solutions, they change the automotive industry with new technologies, contribute to nutrition innovations, provide people with modern medical...

Epicflow Visits Top UI/UX Conference in Europe

Epicflow strives to simplify the world of project management. To achieve that, we’ve created a web-based tool that makes managing multiple projects easier. We actively follow trends in interface design and learn from the...

5 How-Tos to Achieve Top Results with Epicflow Software for Multi-Project Management

Our PM researchers have been in the project management software market since 2007. Three years ago, we re-launched Flow MPM system under the Epicflow brand name, improving the primary version and making it the...

Meet Epicflow at PM Congress in the Netherlands

Jan Willem Tromp, a project management researcher and co-founder of Epicflow, will be giving a keynote about ways to reduce the complexity of managing multi-project environments at the Project Management Congress 2019 on April...

Epicflow Hits Crozdesk List of Best Resource Planning Tools of 2019

Epicflow has been ranked among the best resource planning tools by Crozdesk, a leading business software review platform.   Crozdesk helps business leaders choose the best software among thousands of apps across 200 categories....

Epicflow Introduces New Feature to Improve High-Level Overview of Multiple Projects

Epicflow’s mission has always been to make complex multi-project environments easy to lead and manage. For their next step, the Epicflow team has enhanced their product suite with the Dazzle Dashboard release. 5519...

G2 Crowd Rates Epicflow as a High Performer in Project Management Software Grid

We’re happy to announce that Epicflow has been recognized as a high performer in the 2018 Spring Grid Report for Project Management Software by G2 Crowd. Our ambition to make multi-project environments simpler and better organized...