Epicflow is a multi-project and resource management software solution that has quite a few features that contribute to the successful project delivery in a multi-project environment. Many of them have unique names. To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, weâve decided to compile a glossary to make not only our clients but those who are just curious about our product learn more about Epicflowâs functions.
Further, you will find two sections: the list of Epicflow features and the list of general terms used in the system. Be aware that to be able to use Epicflow, you should have an idea of every term and its definition.
The Names of Epicflow Tools and Their Descriptions
In this section, youâll find all Epicflow features and functionalities with their definitions.
Bubble Graph
A chart with project and budget views to show project workflow against the background of time and budget constraints, correspondingly.
Read more: Bubble Graph: Critical Chain Fever Chart Re-Imagined
Budget View
On the Burnup graph, this mode helps project managers determine how much of their planned money was budgeted, scheduled, and burned.
Business Value
The assessment system that evaluates the significance of tasks for business goals.
Burnup Chart
A graph that displays the project teamâs progress in terms of completing the project. It demonstrates the amount of work done and left in view of the approved budget.
Capacity View
Allows you to see your teamâs maximum amount of output that can be produced. In the Epicflow system, it is measured in man-hours. It shows you the capacity for your groups or resources and designed to help project managers see the actual capacity of the employees in comparison to their load and output.
A panel that displays all projects in the system giving an idea of their current state against the remaining buffer in project and budget views on Bubble graph and Burnup chart.
Epicflow PM Challenge
A game whose goal is to test oneâs multi-project management skills and intuition. Try it.
Future Load Graph
A chart that shows the project team load over time by examining a real-time project environment. It is used mainly to predict potential overload and avoid bottlenecks.
Gantt Chart
A graph that shows all projects with their tasks, subtasks, assignees, and milestones on a timeline.
Gantt View
A mode on the Pipeline when projects are displayed on the Gantt chart.
Group Management
A process of gathering resources into groups based on their characteristics and skills and further administering them in terms of resource allocation.
Group Risk Factor
A function of calculating the risk of the discrepancy between the initially estimated time for task accomplishment and the real time spent by the group of people working on the project.
Historical Load Graph
A chart that demonstrates the resource load, capacity, and output changes over time (for a period of time from the past until now).
Infinite Capacity Planning
Functionality that automatically calculates the best possible way of executing tasks taking into account their duration and relations.
A feature that sets up task execution sequence depending on the priority and business value.
Manual Planning
A mode that allows a PM to reposition items in a timeline as well as increase or reduce their duration manually for certain purposes. This functionality is created specifically for external communication. It has no effect on prioritization and load graphs.
Material Resources
A type of resources required to deliver a project. Being opposed to human resources, it implies raw materials, tools, and equipment.
Module Library
A tool that stores typical project elements that can be used as templates for many projects by simple copying.
A type of group which allows you to unite groups and create the big one consisting of many smaller groups. Such an approach allows you to use it later for the compound group analysis and control.
Centralized view of all ongoing and inactive projects in the system and their milestones on a timeline. Its main features are projects prioritization, visualization of unfeasible planning, future load control and prediction of impacts of the new changes on other project flows. The middle part shows inactive projects.
Pipeline Filtering
Functionality that allows users to examine specific items on the Pipeline without displaying any other redundant data.
Pipeline Levelling
A means of setting up the sequence of tasks when running multiple projects depending on their priority, business value, and finite capacity of all projects.
Project Card
A collection of all project data, such as name, start date, due date, approved budget, remaining work, total expected work, and remaining budget.
Quick Edit Mode
A feature that allows users to make quick changes in the project structure by using key combinations or graphic interface.
Remaining Weeks
A chart that displays the dynamics of the planned work scope decrease in weeks for each resource or resource group.
Single-Project Levelling
Means to identify the sequence of accomplishing project tasks based on their priorities and/or business value and infinite capacity for this project.
Skill Advisor
Functionality that automatically finds a perfect match of a resource and a task based on the analysis of skills required for task completion and the resourcesâ skills. It helps to find the best employee to execute a certain task.
Skill Management Feature
A process of adding skills to tasks and resources, and their further administering with the aim to make resource allocation as efficient as possible.
Summary Card
A feature that structures all the information about a certain summary similar to a Task Card.
Task Card
A feature that presents all the information about a certain project task in a single place: task estimates, statuses, assignees, and comments.
Task List
A list of prioritized tasks. Itâs used as a guideline of task accomplishment sequence by the team.
Task Management
A process of administering tasks (creating, altering, executing, completing, prioritizing, assigning) as part of a project with the aim to deliver it on time and within budget.
Functionality that provides a detailed overview of the project team output on the historical timeline. Itâs a spreadsheet of team membersâ performance where they register and correct their hours spent during a certain day for particular tasks.
Timesheet Filtering
Functionality that allows users to examine specific items in the Timesheet without displaying any other redundant data.
A special group called âUn-Compressible Lead Timeâ that gathers tasks with fixed duration that canât be changed by assigning more resources (e.g., the time required for concrete to become solid).
Unit Pool
A set of equipment required for certain tasks as part of the work on a project. Users can add a unit pool in the system or convert an existing user to it.
What-if Analysis/Simulation
A mode that makes it possible to try any project changes before implementing them in a real-time environment. Itâs used to examine the impact of any transformations on the project flow in the future.
General PM Terms Used in Epicflow
This section contains common project management terms, which you come across when using Epicflow.
Advanced Report
A set of tables similar to a database setup. Advanced reports are available only for Pipeline and Gantt chart in the Quick Edit mode.
Advanced Report Export Permission
Conditions upon which a user can export basic and advanced reports.
The maximum amount of work that an employee is capable of completing in a given period. In Epicflow, itâs measured in FTE.
The reference levels against which a project, programme or portfolio is monitored and controlled.
Basic Report
A report that contains the most important data and can be used as a stand-alone table (e.g., tasklist, timesheet, and resource tables).
Basic Report Export Permission
Conditions upon which a user can export only basic reports.
Spare time before the end of the project any user can apply if required. Therewith, team members are guiding by the rule âleave the project in a better shape than it was when you started executing your taskâ.
Buffer Management
A process of consuming buffer to protect a project against uncertainties.
Budget Task
A task type which defines the total amount of man-hours allotted for the task(s), summary or project fulfilment.
The percent index of employeeâs capacity in a certain group to which he/she belongs.
Cloned Milestone
A milestone that has been copied to another project to enable inter-project relation feature.
Critical Chain
A chain of planned activities with the path to logical end points or to the end of the project.
Current %
The average value of the involvement of the resource in the groupâs tasks given its involvement in other groups.
The expression of the Resources needed to undertake an activity (or standard service).
Aggregated approved demand from a demand-side owner (e.g. Project, IDT or Business).
Project Management Plan
A collection of key project information needed by the Project Manager to manage the project.
Full-time Equivalent (FTE)
A unit that indicates the workload of employee in a way that makes workloads or class loads comparable across various contexts. An FTE of 1.0 is equivalent to a full-time worker, while an FTE of 0.5 signals half of full work.
The framework of authority and accountability that defines and controls the outputs, outcomes and benefits from projects, programmes or portfolios. The mechanism whereby the investing organisation exerts financial and technical control over the deployment of the work and the realisation of value.
Group Capacity
A sum of all employeesâ capacity multiplied on their availability in the group.
Group/Project/ Summary/Task/User Tag
A keyword that is used to find a certain item in the system.
Guaranteed %
The minimum mandatory level of involvement of the resource in the groupâs tasks.
An unplanned event that has occurred, will occur or is extremely likely to occur and will have an impact on objectives. A feature that sets up task execution sequence depending on the priority and business value.
Levelling Delay
The difference between the time when a task gets ready to start and the time it was levelled to be initiated.
The amount of work done by an employee in an hour.
A specific progress point in the project timeline visible in the pipeline. Milestones add significant value to resource scheduling and help project managers determine where their teams stand in terms of project progress.
Multigroup Capacity
A sum of all groupsâ capacity which are a part of Multigroup.
Multi-Project Environment
Conditions upon which there is more than one project to be delivered.
Murphyâs law
A statement of Edward Murphy, according to which âIf anything can go wrong, it willâ.
Parkinsonâs Law
A statement of Cyril Northcote Parkinson according to which âwork expands so as to fill the time available for its completionâ.
Priority Coefficient
A value demonstrating the urgency and importance of a task as compared to others.
A unique and transient strategic endeavour undertaken to achieve a beneficial change and incorporating a group of related Projects and business-as-usual activities.
A unique, transient endeavour, undertaken to achieve planned objectives, which could be defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits. A project is usually deemed to be a success if it achieves the objectives according to their acceptance criteria, within an agreed timescale and budget.
Project Interdependency
A state in a multi-project environment where a shared resource pool is engaged, when one project task can be blocked by another project task.
Project Lifecycle
A framework comprising a set of distinct stages required to transform an idea into reality in the form of a project.
A resource is a person, facility, or major item of equipment, that can be used to deliver an activity and whose time needs to be actively managed.
Resource Demand
The formal expression of the resources needed to undertake an approved activity (e.g. business winning, project delivery, IRAD projects, facility maintenance, etc.)
Resource Supply
The provision of a resource to meet demand.
Resource Planning
An aggregate-level medium and long-term planning process which ensures the demand-signals and supply-plans are kept aligned.
Resource Planning
Combined with financial planning and delivered through the quarterly Operational Business Planning (OBP) process, which produces a single robust operational business plan for demand and supply sides for this-FY and next-FY.
Resource Management
The process of agreeing the assignment of specific resources to deliver specific known activities (âtodayâs workâ) and on-going support activities.
An unpredicted action or event that can lead to either positive or negative consequences.
A structured description of a set of time-bounded tasks/actions and the Resources required to achieve a set of defined outputs and benefits.
The process used to determine the overall project or programme duration. This includes identification and structuring of the scope, activities and their logical dependencies, and estimating activity durations, taking into account requirements and availability of resources.
Shared Resource Pool
A group of resources who work for many projects simultaneously in a multi-project environment.
Student Syndrome
A term that is used to denote procrastination. E.g., an employee will most likely start doing the task at the latest moment possible before the deadline believing that they have enough time to accomplish it.
A project element that contains other sub-elements: other summaries, tasks and sub-tasks, and milestones.
Top Critical Path
The longest chain of dependent tasks, between two milestones, which must be completed in order to deliver the project in time.
A state associated with the lack of necessary information and absence of clarity.
Read more: Fighting Uncertainty in Project Management: Arm Yourself with the Right Tool
The glossary will be enriched with other terms as the Epicflow team develops new features. Subscribe to get updates.