Epicflow Blog Category Page - Digital Transformation

Product Portfolio Management: What It Is and Why It Matters for Business Leaders

Making Your Digital Transformation Journey Successful: An Overview of Essential Components

Most people think of digital transformation in relation to the application of latest technologies. And they’re right, but only to some extent. You can’t put new wine into old bottles, so whatever sophisticated technologies...

New Technology Trends in Aerospace and Defense Industry [2025]

In 2025, the aerospace and defense industry is projected to grow and progress: the air travel demand has already returned to the pre-pandemic level, while geopolitical tensions cause increased defense spending in a great...

Change Management Best Practices: Overcoming Pitfalls of Change Implementation

According to McKinsey, more than 70% of change initiatives fail. Disappointing, isn't it? However, change is a must for every organization that wants to succeed, especially in the post-pandemic world, so it’s essential to...

Is Your Organization Mature Enough for Digital Transformation?

Today, digitalization touches upon every sphere of modern life. It’s almost impossible for a business to exist without any attempts to digitalize its operations. Companies whose authorities think that they don't need it, put...

How to Choose the Right Project Management Tool: Selection Guide

The right project management software can significantly impact the success of your project management efforts. However, it’s really easy to get lost in the variety of tools available in the market these days. For...

Making Your Project Management Tool Super-Productive with Human Resource Management System Integration

There’s hardly any area of business where people aren’t involved. If you run a company, human resource management is one of the paramount directions of your activities. People have their own affairs, fall ill,...

2020 Shipbuilding Challenges and Trends

Shipbuilding is a slowly moving industry facing a lot of challenges that must be addressed to improve the efficiency of the processes. 2020 is a year of new opportunities and arising difficulties due to...

Garbage In, Garbage Out: How to Prepare Your Data for AI-Driven Project Management Tools

The work in digital project management is impossible without data analysis. The thing is that the amount of data can be enormous which makes it impossible for a human brain to process it. In...

Digital Transformation in Government Organizations: Tips from Microsoft, IBM, McKinsey, and PwC

Companies have been undergoing digital transformation for a while already and everyone is striving to be the best among competitors in utilizing digital facilities and providing better services to clients. Though government organizations are...