Statistics and research have a special value for project managers because information broadens their understanding of the current PM market and helps them survive in the competitive twenty-first-century business environment. For your projects to be delivered successfully, we’ve compiled a list of professional tips and tricks that will aid business experts in the future. Explore fine project management recommendations on how to revamp your businesses to a better standard from the world’s most famous research platforms, Gartner and Forrester.

1. Bring Simplicity to Your Project Environment

A sophisticated project environment does not improve project performance. Ambiguous information will most likely impede your business processes and cause project delays. By bringing order and transparency to your project management, you can reduce the possibility of cost escalations. Gartner researchers admit that current project management software fails to provide project managers with the information they need to make wise decisions. They are convinced that the more details you get, the more you get stuck in planning. That’s why when it comes to project planning software, Gartner researchers recommend shifting to “an iterative evolution of reporting,” meaning accessing information that sums up the lessons from your previous project experiences.

2. ĐĄut Through Complexity to Core Ideas and Innovations

Michael Hanford, one of Gartner’s researchers, hosted the webinar “Project Management in 2020” to talk about innovative methodologies in project management. He encourages business decision-makers to adhere to best practices and seek the most innovative approaches and technologies. Hanford is convinced that single-project management will start to decline in a few years due to the upcoming platformization of PM practices. Why lead one project at a time if it is possible to delegate many? To introduce innovation in a new digital economy, optimize resources first.

3. Adopt Extensible Solutions with Streamlined Integration Capabilities

Tech experts at Forrester are convinced that standalone solutions no longer fit current business environments because of the traditional bottom-up approach to project management. Tools that meet your particular needs and integrate with your existing applications can streamline your business. Limiting yourself to a single fixed piece of project management software is cumbersome, and you lose the chance to modify the software to your company’s needs. Forrester encourages business decision-makers to look for solutions in the current PPM market that include demand, resource, project, and cost management capabilities. Effective management of large projects, such as in the building and construction industry, also includes the ability to control workloads and update information via smartphones.

Read more: How to Overcome the Top Challenges of Project Management

4. Accept Bimodal Digital Platforms to Navigate Your Business

A bimodal digital platform is a notion presented by Gartner researchers with regard to two core ideas that, when implemented, will allow you to increase your business potential. Gartner experts are convinced that C-level managers have to combine predictability and exploration in all business processes. Bimodal practices involve 1) continuous rebuilding and refactoring of capabilities for the future and 2) exploration and integration of innovative ideas. It is important to give the green light to both stances to improve business quality.

5. Take Proper Care of Your Team

Exploring collaborative enterprise work management, Forrester concludes that businesses prosper as soon as you take proper care of your team. By proper care, we mean that experts promote the concept of workspaces that embrace collaboration, work allocation at the team level, and transparency. At the same time, researchers recommend encouraging flexibility and local knowledge.

Looking for the perfect project management solution that can help you follow these five rules? Meet Epicflow, the rising star of multi-project management! This resource management solution aims to make complex multi-project management simple by:

  • setting the right task priorities;
  • providing a comprehensive view of the state of every project in the portfolio;
  • keeping track of resources’ availability and capacity;
  • predicting and detecting existing bottlenecks;
  • facilitating informed decision-making;
  • integrating with other project management tools (e.g., Jira, MS Project, Oracle Primavera).

Therefore, Epicflow multi-project resource management software can bring simplicity to your multi-project environment or project portfolio, cut through complexity to an organized workflow, help you go bimodal, and take care of your team! Schedule a live demo in our calendar to learn how this software solution can revolutionize the way you manage multiple projects and their shared resources and what outcomes you can achieve.


  1. Gartner CIO Agenda Report 2016.
  2. Seven Best Practices for an Effective Project Management Office.
  3. Webinar: Project Management in 2020.
  4. The Forrester Wave™: Portfolio Management for the Tech Management Agenda, Q1 2015.
  5. The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Collaborative Work Management, Q4 2016.